加藤 大輔 Daisuke Kato

加藤 大輔 Daisuke Kato
Born in 1983. Resides in Nakatsugawa, Gifu. At the age of 10, he got so blown away by the movie “Back to the Future” that he asked his parents to buy him a rocket-shaped skateboard at a local home center. He says that his skate career started in 1995, when he was able to ollie over a two-by-four for the first time. When he was 20 years old, he flew to the US with the desire to actually see the spots he had seen in skate videos. He stayed in San Francisco for an extended period of time and spent his life immersed in skating. Since returning to Japan, he had been actively involved with filming and skating contests in various places with the support of several sponsors. He begins to create a skate friendly environment, becoming the center of a movement to build a skatepark in his hometown. His DIY activities started with building skate obstacles, and then it expanded to making furniture for his own room. In 2015, he moved to Hida Takayama, a mecca for wood craftsmanship, to study woodworking. After a period of training, he became independent. Currently, he works daily in a large space he calls “Kouba” in his hometown. In 2019, he designed obstacles in the skateboarding area of the Yanagase PARK LINE, a transit mall that also served as a social experiment in Gifu.
1983年生まれ。岐阜県中津川市在住。10歳の頃、映画「バックトゥーザ・フューチャー」に衝撃を受け、近所のホームセンターでロケット型のスケボーを買ってもらう。スケート歴としてはオーリーで角材を初めて飛べた1995年がスタートだと本人は言う。20歳の頃、当時スケートビデオで見ていたスポットを実際にその目で見たいという思いから渡米。サンフランシスコに長期滞在しスケート漬けの生活を送る。帰国後はいくつかのスポンサーのサポートのもと各地での撮影やコンテストへの参加など精力的に活動。地元にスケートパークを作る運動の中心となるなど、自分たちのスケート環境を自ら作るようになる。スケートセクションを作ることから始まったD.I.Yは自分の部屋の家具づくりにまで及び、2015年、木のものづくりの聖地である飛騨高山に移住し木工を学ぶ。修行期間を経て、独立。現在は地元にて自身が「コウバ」と呼ぶ大きなスペースで日々製作をしている。2019年には岐阜市で社会実験を兼ねて開催されたトランジットモール「yanagase park line」のスケートボードエリアのセクションデザインなどを手がける。
「ダイちゃん」 DAI-CHAN
I first met Dai-chan in San Francisco. I remember meeting him at a spot called Island and seeing him do a really cool backside 180 flip and being blown away. I was making a video featuring Japanese and Americans skaters with a filmer named Ryoji Kajikawa, who was also living in SF at the time, and I invited Dai-chan to join the project. At that time, we were shooting around all over SF. Shuhei Iida came from Nagoya to join us, and we were having very hard and exciting days. There were several Japanese skaters who skated in the US, but I think we were the first crew to make a DVD there. It was titled “Shuffle” and photographer Ken Ghetto (Ken Goto) said it was the best DVD from SF at the time. Dai-chan’s video part is probably on Youtube, so I encourage everyone to check it out. I think he got sponsored by FTC through that video part.
ダイちゃんと初めて会ったのはSan Francisco。Islandっていうスポットで出会って、めちゃくちゃクールなbackside 180 flipをきめてるのを見て喰らったのを覚えてる。その頃同じくSFに住んでた日本人のスケーターでフィルマーの梶川リョウジを中心に日本人とアメリカ人のMixの映像を作っていて、ダイちゃんも誘ってみんなで作った。あの時はSF中を周って撮影していた。名古屋の飯田修平とかも一緒に動いてて、とてもハードで刺激的な日々を送っていた。アメリカで滑っていた日本人スケーターは何人かいただろうけど、クルーでアメリカでDVDを作ったのは自分達が最初だったと思う。「Shuffle」っていうタイトルで、フォトグラファーのKen Ghettoことケンさん(Ken Goto)が当時のSF発のDVDの中で1番良かったって言ってくれた。ダイちゃんのパートはたぶんYoutubeにあるのでみなさまぜひ見てみてほしい。たしかそのパートがきっかけでダイちゃんはFTCからのサポートが決まった。
When the filming was over and I had broken up with the girlfriend I was living with at the time and lost my house, Dai-chan let me live in his closet. It was supposed to be only a week but I lived there for two months. I have many memories from those days. When Dai-chan cooked daikon radish, he didn’t peel the skin. When he cooked rice, the amount of rice and water was so horribly wrong that I couldn’t even laugh.
Dai-chan is pretty out there, but his skating is very delicate, beautiful and in-Japanese. I think Danny Fuenzalida and Daisuke Kato are the only two who backside noseslid the whole 3 Up 3 Down in the Mission.
天然なダイちゃんだけど、スケートボードはすごく繊細で綺麗で日本人離れしている。Mission 3 stepsでbackside noseslide全流しをメイクしたのはDanny FuenzalidaとDaisuke Katoだけだと思う。
words by 本多 聡宏 / Toshihiro Honda @oursskateco
translated by Masafumi Kajitani
Daisuke Kato @dsuke__ @kayastore_gifu
photos by Noriyuki Sekikawa, Shinsaku Arakawa
川 2 「バランス?」(2021) 掲載記事を再編集、翻訳を追加しました。